RetroSki 2023-2024

Page 55 of 58

Trivia Week 14

In the late 1950’s and early 1960’s alpine skiing saw an impressive growth in popularity.  What technology improvement in the 1950’s led to skiing’s increase in popularity?

The Tie That Binds

So when was the Look Nevada toepiece created? It surprised me to find out that it was 1950!  The Look Nevada designed by Jean Beyl in Nevers, France, was way ahead of its time. To give some perspective, the first… Continue Reading →

Trivia Week 13

It’s the mid 1960’s and you’re riding a chairlift over an intermediate trail.  You hear a metallic “thwangzzzzzzzz” on the trail below you.  What brand of binding just released?

Sailer Skis

The first successful all-fiberglass ski was the Toni Sailer ski in 1959.  Art Molnar and Fred Langendorf invented and built the ski in nearby Montreal.  There had been other attempts to build all fiberglass (plastic) skis starting as early as… Continue Reading →

Trivia Week 12

Most people consider the Look Nevada toe-piece to be the first modern release binding.  In what year was the Look Nevada created?  And as a bonus: who was the inventor?

Howard Head

Howard Head returned to Baltimore, Maryland, after his 1947 ski vacation in Stowe motivated to design and make a better ski.  He was an aeronautical engineer and knew that metal had replaced wood in airplanes because of its superior strength-to-weight… Continue Reading →

Trivia Week 11

What was the name of the first successful all fiberglass ski?  That’s the brand name of the ski, not who developed it.

Wooden Skis

The word “ski” is derived from the old Norse word skíð which means stick of wood.  And for hundreds, maybe thousands of years, skis were just that: sticks of wood. The Norwegians not only get credit for the word, but… Continue Reading →

Trivia Week 10

In what city and state was the first Head Ski factory located?

Raichle Fiber Jets

1968 Raichle Red Boot ad in SKIING Magazine The Raichle Fiber Jet (aka Red Hot) was the first boot to break the color barrier.  Introduced in 1968 the bright red Raichle Fiber Jet was a conversation starter in lift lines… Continue Reading →

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