What is a gelandesprung? Both Nancy Twitty and Willie White had the correct answer. It is a jump initiated by using your ski poles, usually off some natural terrain feature. In fact I’ve always heard that gelandesprung was German for… Continue Reading →
What is a gelandesprung?
Have you ever skied off an actual ski jump? No, not the features that are now common in terrain parks at most ski areas, but a real ski jump. The closest ski jump to where I grew up was a… Continue Reading →
What ski club is the oldest, continuously operating ski club in the United States?
Did you know there’s a 90 meter ski jump in Vermont? And this year it celebrates its 95th anniversary! The Harris Hill Ski Jump in Brattleboro was built in 1921 and hosted its first jumping competition in February of 1922…. Continue Reading →
Who founded the Dartmouth Outing Club and also the Brattleboro Outing Club?
Après-ski: “the social activities and entertainment following a day’s skiing.” That’s the dictionary definition, but somehow the definition doesn’t seem to do it justice. Après-ski is an integral part of the ski day, a chance to relive the highs and… Continue Reading →
In the early 1970s some of the establishments in Stowe competed for apres-ski skiers by offering free hors d’oeuvres. So this week’s trivia question is: What did the Shed offer as a free apres-ski appetizer in the early 1970s?
If you used to spend your winter vacations at ski areas rather than tropical destinations, you may be a RetroSkier! And I don’t mean just long weekends. I mean if you only got two weeks of vacation a year and… Continue Reading →
Where is the legendary Red Onion located?
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