In what year was the Nosedive at Stowe changed from the infamous seven turns to just three turns?
It sounds like a familiar story: a former WWI Austrian military officer who fled the Nazis and came to live in Stowe. Frank Springer-Miller arrived in New York City in the 1920s and got a job as a graphics artist… Continue Reading →
Who designed the Mount Mansfield Ski Club logo?
Last week I shared some of my memories of the 1960 Squaw Valley Olympics. This week I’ll cover some of the aspects of those Olympics that made them significant beyond just my memories. Squaw Valley was a long shot at… Continue Reading →
Who won the women’s slalom at the 1960 Olympics?
Squaw Valley opened in 1949 making it the oldest major ski area in the Lake Tahoe region. But this won’t be an article about the history of Squaw Valley. In my memory Squaw Valley will be forever linked to the… Continue Reading →
The 1960 Olympics were held at Squaw Valley which is also in the Lake Tahoe region. What Vermonter (and eventual Stowe-ite) won a silver medal in slalom?
My wife and I spent last week visiting friends Bob and Laurie Walker who live in Minden, Nevada. From their house it’s about a twelve mile drive to the Heavenly Valley ski area. Of course you climb some 3000 feet… Continue Reading →
At what ski area did singer/congressman Sonny Bono die as a result of hitting a tree?
A RetroSki tip-of-the-hat to the “Waterbury Moms” who had an 80’s retro-skiwear day last Friday at Stowe. There was a lot of neon and there were a lot of one-piece ski suits. Most of the moms looked too young to… Continue Reading →
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