Toni Sailer Fibreglaski
The first successful all-fiberglass ski was the Toni Sailer ski in 1959. Art Molnar and Fred Langendorf invented and built the ski in nearby Montreal. There had been other attempts to build all fiberglass (plastic) skis starting as early as 1952, but none had made it into production.
There were a couple of correct responders for last week’s trivia question. I met Paul Mickelson in the gondi lift line on Saturday and he correctly identified the Sailer ski. He is a ski history buff himself and contributed that Ernie McCulloch, legendary Canadian ski instructor, played a significant role in helping develop the Sailer ski. Via my blog Jack Pickett also provided the correct answer and knew that Art Molnar was one of the inventors.
Pete Stangel and Ed Hackett both submitted the Kneissl White Star. However the White Star was first available in 1960 and it was actually a wood core wrapped in fiberglass. The Sailer had a foam core so it was truly an all-fiberglass ski.
Despite the use of his name, it’s unclear how much Toni Sailer actually had to do with the ski. He did test the ski and in a November 21, 1960, Sports Illustrated article was quoted as saying: “It’s an ideal ski for average skiers.”
The use of Sailer’s name was a shrewd business decision. In the 1956 Winter Olympics Toni Sailer won all three men’s alpine gold medals – a feat no one had accomplished before. He was a charismatic, handsome athlete whose celebrity transcended his sport.
By 1959 Toni Sailer had given up pursuing gold medals for making money! He was in films and made records. A poll in his native Austria asking what Austrian had done the most for his country ranked Sailer 5th , just behind Mozart. Some Austrians were surprised by this since Mozart never made anything like the money Sailer made with his records!
Sailer also partnered with businesses for the use of his name. Such was the case for Sailer-Tex (a fabric manufacturer specializing in stretch materials) and Toni Sailer Skis. The Sailer name gave a product instant credibility particularly in the European countries.
As mentioned, the Sailer ski was developed by Fred Langendorf and Art Molnar. Langendorf was an engineer who specialized in fiberglass and I have not uncovered much subsequent information about him. However Art Molnar has a long resumé in the ski and snowboard world.
Molnar fled Hungary during the 1956 Revolution and landed a job working for Langendorf in Montreal. Molnar designed the first Sailer ski and then in 1963 designed a later model with a ribbed fiberglass core where the ribs were separated by air channels. This latter design made the ski extremely light, but still strong. In 1967 Molnar left Langendorf to go to work for K2 and develop a line of skis using foam cores. Then in 1971 he moved to Lange where he helped produce the first Lange ski.
Finally in 1973 Molnar started his own ski company utilizing the ribbed fiberglass core he initiated at Sailer. Molnar skis were light in weight with a soft flex and developed a cult following among powder skiers. Molnar was able to keep his company afloat for ten years before having to close his factory in 1983.
After a break from winter-related businesses, Molnar moved to Oregon to work for Morrow Snowboards in 1994. Ironically Morrow Snowboards would later become a subsidiary of K2.
July 14, 2012 at 7:13 pm
Fred was my dad…he was the heart and soul of sailer skis……if you can’t find much on him in the ski world …you did not look very far.
September 17, 2012 at 5:37 pm
Is Fred Langendorf still living? If so, Thank You for providing me contact information.
March 11, 2015 at 6:55 pm
Dear Anddrew,
Please read my comments below, dated today March 11th, 2015.
Thank you.
Tania Bricel
Daughter of the Pioneer of the Toni Sailer Skis, Mark Bricel
January 7, 2016 at 11:31 pm
Anddrew, you can email me at granbyq2@bellsouth.net
In remarks below I mentioned my connection to Toni and the ski company. I spoke with my father, Bernd Koken, and he confirmed what I thought to be true. Your Dad, who I knew well when I was a kid, was the designer of the Toni Sailer Ski, and as much the heart and soul early on as anyone else. My Dad was very fond of Fred — who wasn’t? My Dad oversaw the manufacturing of the ski, one team member being Art Molnar. There were others, too. He certainly remembers Mark Bricel, who was in the boot business in yugoslavia or some such place and my Dad offered him an opportunity to get out of a challenging environment, and come to Montreal to import boots into Canada. The heart and soul of the Toni Sailer Ski Company in its hey day he was not. Though perhaps after Dad left in 1967, he became more active. But the ski’s popularity waned in the late 60’s and was sold I think to Spalding subsidiary, Shakespeare. It was a great ski for its time, but a devil to manufacture. Problems matching the camber in the ski made it a tough sell and forced a lot of make goods by GM Plastics. As my Dad said, it was hard to find a pair where both skis were perfect. And contrary to the main article, Toni did have input into the design improvements that were needed with each new model. Anyways, feel free to email me.
January 21, 2018 at 4:17 am
Bob Koken, the information you have written about my father, Mark Bricel is also wrong. I highly recommend that you read what I wrote you today!
February 17, 2017 at 12:35 pm
I was working with Fred at Spalding in 1970 and 1971 and was his guest various times in Bromont and I remember you, Tom and Barbara also when you came to Italy and visited the Ferrari plant. Nice memories. Ever again to Italy? Have a nice day and who knows
January 21, 2018 at 4:20 am
Dear Andrew,
I have written to you previously. Sorry to inform you, please read what I wrote to Bob Koken today.
March 24, 2023 at 3:35 pm
Do you know if there is skis we can see today in a museum.
Thank you.
March 24, 2023 at 3:37 pm
Do you know if there is skis we can see today in a museum.
Thank you.
Did your fater had a patent on te ski.
Thank you very much.
March 25, 2023 at 4:43 am
Fred Langendorf and Art Molner did not start the Toni Sailer skis my father, Mark Bricel did! Mark Bricel is still alive and we have all the documents from communication with Toni Sailer written in German where he gave my father world rights to his name when he agreed with my father to put his name on the skis! Tania Bricel
March 25, 2023 at 4:50 am
Tania Bricel
March 25, 2023 at 4:43 am
Fred Langendorf and Art Molner did not start the Toni Sailer skis my father, Mark Bricel did! Mark Bricel is still alive and we have all the documents from communication with Toni Sailer written in German where he gave my father world rights to his name when he agreed with my father to put his name on the skis! Tania Bricel
January 3, 2013 at 10:18 pm
My mom has a pair of Toni Sailer Skis in nice shape. Are these worth anything?Also, when and where is the next Retro Ski meet?
January 15, 2013 at 4:38 am
I would be interested in purchasing I collect old skis. Let me know if you would like to sell.
January 9, 2013 at 3:52 pm
The Toni Sailer Ski was manufactured At AB Plastics in Granby Quebec. I helped
in marketing the ski, and basically pioneered the sales from Madawaska,Maine
to Greenwich,CT. and beyond.
January 21, 2018 at 4:11 am
Yes, Norm Letarte, you were working for my father, Mark Bricel selling the Toni Sailer skis!
January 15, 2013 at 6:50 pm
The Toni Sailer Ski was manufactured by G.M. Plastic Corporation in Granby Quebec
not by AB Plastics. As the Designer and the Manufacturing Mgr. of the Toni Sailer Ski
In Granby I know that I am right.
January 17, 2013 at 7:40 pm
Art, you are right. I stand corrected
September 19, 2013 at 10:51 pm
Art…I feel like I’m contacting a legend. I’m the historian/archivist at Toronto Ski Club in Collingwood and we are celebrating our 90th anniversary this year. In the process of mounting a permanent display of all the great marques, I’ve donated to pair of Sailers…1 is all white with “Ernie Mcculloch” technical advisor (behind the heel piece – I think 1963) and a 2nd pair (white again) but with 2 diagonal red slashes below the Sailer signature at the tip (later model?). If you’re able to confirm the age and difference between the two I’d be delighted. I do remember the “Molnar” ski but oddly enough, not from southern Ontario but my trips to Vail in the late 70’s…a bit like “the ski” very funky graphics!
Many Thanks
Bill Langmuir
(my cousin Irving is now widely regarded as the father of back country skiing in North America – also won the Nobel Prize in 1932, good at math, good at skiing – not a bad combo!)
January 21, 2018 at 4:14 am
Strange that you would try to get in touch with Art Molnar when he did not start the Toni Sailer skis. The man behind the Toni Sailer skis is still alive, he is my father, Mark Bricel and he could tell you how the Toni Sailer skis started, because he started them!
March 11, 2015 at 6:53 pm
Dear Art,
You are correct about where the Toni Sailer ski was produced at G.M. Plastic Corporation in Granby, Quebec.
It is unbelievable, reading all the comments from everyone that everyone is leaving my Father’s name out, Mark Bricel and trying to take credit. I am finding a lot of reading material about the Toni Sailer Skis where holes need to be filled in and the only person who can fill them in, is Mark Bricel.
I also have all the letters to prove who started the ski with Toni Sailer and my Father is still alive. It was not you, or Fred Langendorf, it was my Father, Mark Bricel.
I have a few things to say to Norm Letarte as well. Norm, who pioneered the Toni Sailer ski? I think it is time we set all records straight, it was my Father, Mark Bricel, you were a sales representative under my father’s direction.
Anddrew Langendorf, I am sorry to inform you that your Father, Fred Langendorf was not the heart and soul of the Toni Sailer skis, my father, Mark Bricel was. I have all the documents to prove it, including that my Father is still alive. I am Mark Bricel’s daughter. Unfortunately, something got lost in the paperwork.
Anddrew, I know your Dad, Fred was married at least 3 times but I believe I know you from when you were a small boy with your Mom, Heidi when we visited at your home in Bromont, Quebec.
The reason that none of you is able to reply to people’s questions, or comments is because the only person who knows the answers is Mark Bricel.
Greg Morrill, kindly contact me and I can put you in touch with the pioneer of Toni Sailer skis, my Father, Mark Bricel.
Bill Langmuir, please feel free to contact me as well. I have been to the Toronto Ski Club in Collingwood several times and not long ago held a special event there.
Thank you.
July 27, 2015 at 10:07 pm
Mark Bricel and his partner Mel Medis had a marketing/distribution firm in Austria, with the rights to sell Toni Sailer branded clothing in that country. When Langendorf and Molnar developed the fiberglass ski, Bricel and Medis contacted them. Toni Sailer travelled to Montreal and met with Langendorf, even before the ski went into production. Sailer offered the use of his name on condition that Bricel and Medis could have an exclusive on European sales.
And so it may be said that Bricel conceived the idea of selling a Toni Sailer ski, and share credit for making the ski a commercial success, but he did NOT invent the fiberglass ski.
June 30, 2017 at 9:21 pm
Is Fred Langendorf still alive?
January 21, 2018 at 4:08 am
Your information is also incorrect, read what I wrote today!
January 25, 2018 at 8:24 pm
Dear Seth Masia,
I do not know who you are but I will check with my father, Mark Bricel if he knows who you are.
Noting your message, it is also incorrect!
Either way, you cannot write information that is wrong about my father for others to read.
How strange that you would know more about my father, than my own father, this is absurd!
Please let it be known, I have all documents in my possession with my fathers first office starting the Toni Sailer skis amongst legal letters etc.
I highly recommend that you do not make the statements you are making.
January 25, 2018 at 9:19 pm
I would like to add that I do thank you for mentioning that my father, Mark Bricel should have credit, unfortunately the chain of events you provided is not accurate amongst wrong details!
January 6, 2016 at 6:11 am
Tania, I’ll be talking to my father tomorrow and will ask him if he can explain the roles of the key figures behind the Toni Sailer Ski Co. My father resigned from GM Plastics in about 1967, so while we kept up with Toni until he was in his late 70’s, there’s little I can add post-1967. Since my Dad was vice-president and then president of GM during the company’s formative years, he might know a thing or two. Feel free to email me at granbyq2@bellsouth.net. Bob Koken
January 6, 2016 at 1:11 pm
Correction: My father kept up with Toni into his late 50’s, I’ve been reminded. I hope to help shed more light on the history of the ski that bears his name.
August 9, 2019 at 10:54 pm
What a trip down memory lane! In 1958, my parents put me in a convent in France for a year to learn French. I, along with all my 15-year old school chums were madly in love with Toni Sailer! He was all we could talk about following his multiple skiing successes! Years later, I married Jacques Marchessault from Granby who was the lawyer for G.M. Plastics. I well remember your dad, Bernd and your mom, Marg. We were often entertained in your home and just imagine my delight upon meeting my hero, Toni Sailer! Your family left Granby two years before Jacques and I moved to Montreal in 1969. I also remember Fred and Heidi Langendorf very well. Amazing place, Granby!
February 24, 2017 at 12:13 am
Hi Tania, My son want to build skis, and I mentioned to him about the Toni Sailer Ski that really didn’t make it but had a unique manufacturing process. Do you know how the extruded core for the Toni Sailer skis was made or know how I could find out? Do you know who may have the molds? Thanks, Dan
January 25, 2018 at 9:00 pm
Dear Art,
I have learned and am amazed how you have maneuvered credit for the Toni Sailer skis when you would not even know how to answer questions on the beginnings of the Toni Sailer skis as you would not know them as you were not there!
It is mind-boggling how you would even attempt to try to do so and make a name for yourself. You did work at G.M. Plastic but that was after my father, Mark Bricel started the Toni Sailer skis with Toni Sailer’s endorsement. We have the documents to prove this and my father still alive and I think it shameful that you have gone to the extents you have, although you stayed away from commenting too much here!
June 4, 2013 at 2:18 am
I really had fun skiing on my Sailers — had three pairs. First the all white ski, followed by two pairs of the red LR55’s. Kept the last pair for quite a few years, think it was about 5 years ago that I finally admitted I wasn’t skiing again…
November 23, 2016 at 11:25 pm
Stu – your response to the Toni Sailer dialogue is now 3 years old….I may be a bit late!
Any connection with Leo Gough, Elizabeth Gough…Toronto Ski Club? My dad and Leo new each other, remember meeting Liz when I was little, maybe 8-10.
Just curious.
Bill Langmuir
October 26, 2013 at 6:50 pm
Were the first experiments done at St. Andrews East,Qc, Long Sault Woodcraft with Jim Simpson and Stan Sacks and Fred Langendorf? The first problem was the paralleling of the fiberglass mat. This was overcome by using an electrical current,I believe.
November 30, 2013 at 3:57 am
I have a pair of Mulner skis yellow patent no.3, 861, 699 I’m interested in selling them, how much are they worth.
March 16, 2014 at 2:37 pm
I’m the secretary of the Quebec Ski Museum located at Mont Sainte-Anne and we are very interested in obtaining a pair of the first Toni Sailer skis for the museum. If any one has a pair available, please post a reply…
March 11, 2015 at 7:14 pm
Dear Fred Mageau,
Please read my comments that I posted today March 11, 2015.
You may contact me if you wish.
Thank you.
Daughter of Mark Bricel-Pioneer of Toni Sailer skis
October 2, 2015 at 7:25 pm
I have a pair of Toni Sailer skis which I would like to sell. They are the all white ones. The have never had any bindings on them and are 210cm I believe. The skis are in great condition. I have held on to these skis forever. If interested, please email me and I can provide pictures. Thanks
March 28, 2023 at 11:44 pm
Hello, are you still interested in a pair of Toni Sailers for the museum? Mine are black with beige trim, with original Nevada French bindings, and some Garmisch boots from the same time frame, circa 1959.
January 14, 2015 at 5:55 am
Fred Langendorf went on to import Spalding skis (Persenico from Italy) and Caber boots for many years in the late 60’s – early 70’s. Spalding was a sport division of Questor which purchased Persenico to manufacture the Spalding brand which won many World Cups and Olympic medals mainly by Italian racer Gustavo Thoeni. Ingemar Stenmark raced his whole career on Caber boots till they were purchased by Rossignol.
March 12, 2015 at 8:03 am
Dear Barry,
I do not know who you are but please read my comments as it seems something got lost in the paperwork, my father started the Toni Sailer skis with Toni Sailer. My Father is still alive and I am working now to get all the records set straight with the documents to prove it.
It is very disheartening how Art Molnar, Fred Langendorf and Norm Letarte all try to take credit when a large part of the story is missing, how the Toni Sailer ski came to be!
Please read my comments, I responded after finding this information yesterday, March 11, 2015 the day that my parents are celebrating their 64th Wedding Anniversary.
Thank you.
January 14, 2015 at 10:36 am
Interesting information on the history behind Toni Sailer Skis. I bought a pair in the sixties, the white ones with the corrugated internal construction. The first pair I got were damaged so I had a new pair sent to me at Saas Fee where I was skiing at the time. They came from the European distributors in Lichtenstein. I fitted them with Salomon toe pieces and Marker long-thong heelpieces.
I was Scotland’s first ski mechanic and found fitting the screws particularly difficult because some of them hit the side of the internal corrugation which was not vertical. This resulted in the screw going squint until I made a suitable groove in the side of the corrugation. It took ages to get right and there was a degree of strong language as a result!
I skied on them for many years and still have them. I am determined to give them a final run this year and have rebuilt the bindings and waxed the bases. The base Ptex is just about worn through now so the snow will have to be good to avoid any damage. Only slight problem I can see is they are 215cm and I now ski on 172cm K2 Rictors. I shall have to dig back into the muscle memory and resurrect the proper way to ski!
January 30, 2015 at 11:28 pm
I saw Ernie McCulloch ski down the last pitch of the “Flying Mile” in 1966 and it was a ‘Frozen Waterfall’. He was on the first FiberGlass skis by Tony Sailer http://retro-skiing.com/2011/02/sailer-skis/ – and his track was like a skate. I asked him how he stopped the ski from chattering: He gave me his Ernie grin and said: “Don’t let ’em Start”! About ten -fifteen years later we bumped into each other at Tremblant, and took a run together, reminiscing over the season I taught for him; he accelerated away from me on every turn, I started two feet behind him and was at least ten turns behind at the bottom. Ernie won races by 2 second margins.
October 2, 2015 at 7:24 pm
Hi all,
I have a pair of Toni Sailer skis which I would like to sell. They are the all white ones. The have never had any bindings on them and are 210cm I believe. The skis are in great condition. I have held on to these skis forever. If interested, please email me and I can provide pictures. Thanks
April 18, 2021 at 12:21 am
I know this post I’d very old but do you still have the skis ?
David Joly
August 30, 2021 at 4:45 pm
Yes I do… would love to sell them.
January 6, 2016 at 5:53 am
I have been reading with fascination about the history of the Toni Sailer Ski Co., a division of GMPlastics of Granby, Quebec. GM Plastics began in the foam and plastic business. It was owned by Aubert Brillant. My father became president of the company sometime in the early 60’s. I remember some of the people mentioned by others, most clearly though I remember Mark Bricel and the Langendorfs. Fred was a terrific guy. I can fill in some of the gaps about the designers, who was the heart and soul, etc., by asking my 89-year-old father, Bernd Koken. Toni became a great family friend. He visited us often in Granby and my parents traveled with him a couple times to Nassau, and visited more than once with him in Kitzbuhl, Austria. I stayed as a guest of his in 1972 in Kitzbuhl at Haus Toni Sailer, his small hotel. He waslike family. One summer Toni came to visit and brought a few members of the Austrian ski team, one being the great downhiller, Karl Shranz. I have many memories of the Sailer Ski, including how Dad would take is out of school to Mont Sutton or Bromont to test new models like the LR 45’s and 55’s as well as the RE models. Great memories!
January 21, 2018 at 3:56 am
Dear Bob Koken,
Unfortunately, I just read your comments and I have reached my limit! It is amazing how you can tell us about the history of the Toni Sailer skis when you, nor your father, Bernd Koken seem to know the beginnings. I am the daughter, Tania Bricel of Mark Bricel, my father who started the Toni Sailer skis and he is still alive! It is with fascination how I read all of the comments written from the different people about the Toni Sailer skis when no one knows the beginnings but my father. It is like reading “fake news”! Your father, Bernd Koken knows my parents very well and I remember your father as a young girl in Quebec. I remember visiting your parents in Toronto many years after that. We lived in Preville, now St. Lambert on the SouthShore of Montreal and the factory G.M.P. Plastic Corp. was in Granby, Quebec. The production in Granby was a few years after my Dad started the skis with Toni Sailers endorsement, we have the letters to prove it! Your father, Bernd Koken worked for G.M.P. Plastic where the ski was then produced after my father started the ski with Toni Sailer. We have the documents, pictures etc. to prove this and I repeat my father is still alive. If someone makes one more comment that is not accurate, I will seek legal action because we have the proof and my father who is still alive is shocked with what every one writes! Just for the record, Fred Langendorf and Art Molnar also did not start the Toni Sailer skis so they are “not the heart and the soul either, my father is!” My father’s first secretary, Krystal, when my father first had a small office in Montreal is also still alive and now living in Germany, so she can also confirm the truth! It is very interesting that you say you can fill in the gaps only with the knowledge perhaps of your father but then your father does not know the beginnings, how could he when he was not part of that! How incredible that all these people, Fred Langendorf, Art Molnar and your father Bernd Koken even attempt to take that credit. It is a wonder that any of you can talk about the Toni Sailer skis, a ski that started with my father and Toni Sailer before your father joined G. M.P. Plastic! I highly recommend that no more stories are told that are not accurate unless you want legal action. I tried to contact your father, Bernd Koken a few years back but he just ignored it.
April 18, 2021 at 12:23 am
Madame Bricel,
Si vous recevez ce message, j’aimerais entrer en contact avec vous.
David Joly
February 17, 2016 at 8:25 pm
When I was a kid I had a pair of Toni Sailer Bluebirds. A beautiful light blue, I think may have nbeen a Rossignol product?
March 1, 2016 at 2:48 am
I sold sailers for George Buchika
February 19, 2018 at 4:08 pm
My wife and I have known Mark Bricel and his lovely wife for many years. In fact, we were with them just a few days ago. Mark is a very smart man with an incredible memory. And yes, we first heard the ski story around 25 years ago. Obviously, I do not know what really happened with the skis all those years ago. But, knowing Mark, I have to accept his version of those events, as reported by his daughter Tania. Please note, I have absolutely no connection with Toni Sailer and his skis. I did not invent them, build them, sell them, or use them However, my wife and I both learnt to ski at the Toni Sailer ski school in Kitzbuehel many years ago.
My own career extends over 50 years. Over that period I cannot begin to count the number of times others have taken credit for things I have done. And yes, like Tania, I have the proof. So, I am going with Mark and Tania’s version of events
November 26, 2019 at 8:17 pm
My Dad worked at GM Plastics in Granby Québec in the late 60’s
This where they were making the Toni Sailer skis.
He was in charge of the quality control
I still have in my possession 3 pairs of skis of these years
January 21, 2020 at 6:09 pm
This is quite interesting !
In fact , it is worth an in-depth article by a ski publication with interviews with all the surviving players .
And it is so bizarre that it is also worth a nice mystery book about the creation of an exceptional new ski …
I doubt someone will do one or the other … and it is sad because it would show that Québec , at some point , was right in the middle of the ski world . Just look at the names of the ski instructors who came to work at the Chateau Frontenac in the 40′ and ’50 …
My first pair of skis – ”real skis ” – were white Toni Sailer bought in 1973 in Québec City . I was a very inept novice and I broke them a year later . Where can I get a refund ? You could hear the foam flowing inside similar to that ”rain stick ” musical instrument from Latin America !! I was the laughing stock of the ski school … so much that I refused to go with the others and decided to learn by myself … and I broke the Sailer !
I would like to try a Toni Sailer now .
In fact , I bought one pair a few weeks ago but I have to get them from the States and I would never ski them even if I still ski on ’70 and ’80 skis now .
One broken pair is enough .
If I decide , one of these days , to write an article , I will try to contact you !
March 25, 2023 at 5:56 am
Cher Jean Pierre,
A lot of time has past, years where the truth must become known to the ski industry!
Unfortunately I became ill by exposure to a toxic environment in Vail, Colorado so I had to put this project on hold! My father, Mark Bricel is still alive so I will now continue to pursue putting my father on the map for starting snd pioneering the first all fiber glass skis, Toni Sailer.
Tom West, previous President of the US Ski and Snowboatd Hall of Fame was constantly telling me about the historians that have the story! Historians are only as good as far as the information.they provide is accurate! Today the ski industry remains cheated with inaccurate information provided to the public and not 1 historian that Tom West knows has come forward to learn the truth and meet the man whom pioneered the 1st all fiber glass skis, Mark Bricel! Instead they hide behind the politics of their own web in defiance of the accurate information and the trith!
Rightfully so Montreal, Quebec would also have to be mentioned because this is where my father”s company was based.
May 14, 2023 at 1:47 am
Hi Tania,
Sorry to hear about your illness. I hope you get better soon.
I am very interested in hearing your story about The Toni Sailer ski production. You can email me at ksack34@gmail.com.
Karl Sack
March 17, 2023 at 1:55 pm
Do you ave tony sailer for sale.
Thank you.
August 19, 2023 at 10:39 pm
i would like to talk to Tania and Karl Sack about the manufacturing of Tony Sailer Skis. i can be contacted at mguitton@eastlink.ca. I appreciate your help. Maurice Guitton
December 21, 2023 at 12:23 am
The Toni sailor skis manufactured in Canada were made in Granby Québec (they were mold injection skis).
The Toni Sailor skis you have a picture of above were made in Europe, probably Austria. I own a pair but I can’t find any other information about them.
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