What former ski company known for its wooden skis went out of business even though Stein Eriksen designed some of their skis?
What former ski company known for its wooden skis went out of business even though Stein Eriksen designed some of their skis?
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March 13, 2014 at 10:30 pm
I looked through a copy of your book today. Really interesting. I lived through a lot of what is in it. I have a pair of the Tey Engineering skis…..got them from my dad….he bought them new through Abercrombe & Fitch ! I know where there are two pother pair. I grew up skiing at Mohawk and other local areas…..with lots of time at Otis Ridge Ski Camp in the 60’s
When I was first instructing at Mt. Southington in CT. in the early/mid 80’s one of our ‘lifties’ worked at OLIN and showed up with one of the first three pair of ‘Albert’s , not yet named…….painted matte black with ‘TEST’ on the top at the tip and tail. Olin did not want them back after we all played on them. I have them to this day.
March 20, 2014 at 10:55 pm