The archives of the National Museum of American History in Washington D.C. contain a significant collection of Howard Head’s papers. Part of that collection is the “Honeycomb Ski” journal which documents Head’s development work from May 1947 to March 1948. As an aeronautical engineer Head knew that a honeycomb core could provide a weight advantage in a ski just as it had in airplanes. However test skis with the honeycomb broke too easily and Head ended up substituting a heavier plywood core.

A collection of Hexcel Skis
Last week’s Ski Bum of the Week was also the first one with the correct answer to last week’s trivia question. Ken Duclos identified Hexcel as the first ski with an aluminum honeycomb core.
The Hexcel Corporation started in 1946 as a provider of strong lightweight materials primarily to the defense aerospace industry. The lunar lander for our trips to the moon utilized Hexcel materials. In 1971 Hexcel began making skis with an aluminum honeycomb core.
Hexcel skis were less than half the weight of comparable other skis. Bob Burley says that they were “light and quick edge to edge. Very high energy ski for its time period. I raced them very successfully in Slalom for a couple of years.” However Ken and several others commented on how the Hexcels were prone to breaking, bending, or denting.
Will Spalding who used to work in a ski shop commented on what a pain it was to mount bindings on Hexcels. “You had to use a drill bit or a nail to break away the honeycomb inside the skis after drilling them, then inject epoxy in the screw holes, and then after you screwed the bindings down you had to leave the skis upside down overnight to let the epoxy cure.”

Me on Hexcels Chamonix 1973
I had a pair of the original Hexcel Comps in a 210cm length and I loved them. The original model had a cracked edge at the tip which did lead to delamination. When I obtained a later model of the Comp, Hexcel had done away with the cracked edge and I didn’t like the ski nearly as much. I don’t think it was just the missing cracked edge, but I believe the design had also been influenced by the “in” technique of that time (see this week’s trivia question.)
Hexcel skis were expensive to manufacture and by the end of the 1970s the Hexcel Corporation was looking to get out of the ski business. The Hanson Company known for its rear entry ski boots purchased the ski portion of Hexcel and continued to produce the skis under the Hanson name. Hanson went bankrupt in 1981 which ended the Hexcel ski story.
So let’s move from a ski that had a reputation for breaking to a ski that was unbreakable. And I don’t mean that they were just guaranteed against breakage. Several ski companies including Head and hart guaranteed their skis. If you broke one of their skis, they would replace them. However Graves skis were really unbreakable!
About the same time that Hexcel skis appeared, the Graves Ski Company in Newburyport, Massachusetts, began making skis that were entirely fiberglass with a foam core. They claimed that you could take the tip of the ski and bend it back to touch the tail of the ski without breaking.
We never figured out how to try that test, but we would suspend the ski with just the tip and tail supported by chairs, and then get the heaviest guy in the room to jump with both feet on the unsupported center of the ski. The ski never broke and always returned to its original shape. In fact it returned to its shape with a vengeance that usually shot the guy jumping on it across the room!
In ski testing a pair of Graves, I experienced that strong rebound firsthand. I skied through a small dip at moderate speed and suddenly it seemed like I was 5 feet in the air. The camber rebound was amazingly powerful.
On the web at least one person nominated the Graves as the worst ski ever. I wouldn’t go quite that far, but it certainly was a strange ski. If you have any stories about Graves or other strange skis, please post a comment here!
February 6, 2012 at 1:37 pm
Darn, I missed the Hexcel question in last weeks paper .I would have answered it .I raced on the Womens Pro Tour for 2-3 years on Hexcel skis and won races. I loved my Hexcels and never broke one. They were light, quick responsive and held well. They were hard to mount. I have a pair in the attic and am looking for a pair of Salomon 727 toe pieces to get them back in working order . I enjoy your articles!!
March 17, 2016 at 7:40 pm
have a pair of my husbands Hexcel Honeycomb/Prepreg skis in garage with solomen 727 bindings on them….1970s vintage ….
February 26, 2012 at 2:00 pm
I was a nationally ranked junior racer for a few years in the 60’s. I started racing on Hart Jr. Comps. The Harts were good but heavy for young muscles. Great at GS but challenging in slalom. With Look Beconta bindings, the swing weight was quite high. I broke the tip off during a race, received a new pair, and sold them immediately.
When I outgrew those I raced on K2 Comps with the red, white, blue stripes. HOT skis. They were better as they aged – more supple but with snap when you needed them. The light weight required you to use light weight bindings. Loved my Salomons. Overall, my most successful racing combo. Fisher sponsored our team and we had to ski on them. I was never happy and switched out my skis whenever I could.
The last comp skis I owned were Hexcel Comps. Unbelievably light with a consistent feel. They could even be skied in deep powder as they floated quickly and were easy to glessande. Won a number of slaloms and giant slaloms in my late teens with these. I did get 2 replacement pairs due to delamination and broken tail. They never tired me out in training.
I loved them so much that I bought Hexcel Firelights for moguls and tricks. WOW! Fun, super light, with incredible snap. Shattered 3 pair in 2 seasons; always at the binding mounts. I have my last pair in a ski bag in my attic for nostalgia sake.
March 7, 2012 at 10:55 pm
Wow, I have finally found a something on Graves skis. I sure would like to find a pair. I was with the U.S.Army at Fort Devens in the early 1970s and we had Graves skis! They had a white top sheet with 10th SFGA printed on the tail. Been looking for a pair since . They were beasts, indestructable, and heavy.
June 6, 2012 at 1:45 am
Wow you are lucky first time. I used to go to steamboat, never got ot be a rellay good skier, though. They will probably have a school for you there, where they will teach you how to snow plow ski. Even if you have never skied, you will only need two or three hours of instruction to snow plow, stopping and turning is easy, you will be able to handle all the “Green-coded slopes”. Buy ski clothes, Gortex if you can afford it, dont try skiing in your blue jeans cuz ya WILL be falling down, and you dont rellay want to get wet and miserable early in the day. Have fun.
November 11, 2012 at 8:27 pm
Hey Richard
For the right price; I’d be receptive to parting with my Graves GS (210cm). Regardless of the ribbing a good buddy and I used to get for using them; they served me well. I later mounted Salomon adjustable rental bindings to them so anybody interested could give them a try. Their flexibility is still in them; I wonder if it will ever disappear. I likewise have demonstrated the ice pick trick to friends by driving an ice pick into them, pulling out the ice pick and later looking for the hole.
Similar to owning Graves; In the mid-90’s I joined the management team at Sunshine Village Ski Resort. When it was learned I used Spademan bindings on my Pre 1200’s, the vice-president of the resort took me aside and offered me a brand new pair of Salomons with bindings on the condition I would never use my Spademans on the hill. I took him up on the offer. This was at the same time as everybody said that snowboarding would never last.
January 8, 2016 at 3:45 pm
I would be very interested in buying your Graves Skis if you are still receptive to the thought of parting with them. Please email.
January 8, 2016 at 3:46 pm
January 25, 2021 at 9:31 pm
I undertstand this thread is many years old at this point. Are you still possibly looking for some Graves skis?
September 18, 2014 at 12:38 am
I was the general manager of Graves skis in the late 70s. I still have a few pair of the newer model. New for that time anyway. I know the history of the company better than most. Ask away.
February 18, 2015 at 1:16 am
Hi what year did they closed. And do you remember when they made ski’s for the ski patrol, I was looking for a old pair.
March 16, 2019 at 3:58 pm
I am a Swedish older man who has been skiing my whole life.
I have 1 Hexcel Blue ice ski with dubble steel edges. As I remember was that pair the only pair delivered to Sweden as kind of advertising late in the 60’s.
How many did they produce totally.
I am very grateful for an answer.
July 5, 2021 at 5:24 pm
what year did they close down,
December 18, 2023 at 11:19 pm
I skied a Graves mono ski in the very early seventies and loved it ! I rapidly became extremely proficient on it, experiencing some of the best rhythmic turns and fabulous runs. It garnered a great deal of attention while I was at Mount Snow, Vermont.
I still have it !!!
November 10, 2020 at 8:49 pm
I have a pair, never been mounted or used, my mom worked at the factory in newburyport mass. Lemme know if your still interested in a pair!!
November 17, 2020 at 3:08 am
I am definitely interested if you still have them available…
July 24, 2021 at 9:09 am
I am also interested to purchase a pair, if anyone on this site has a pair of Graves Skis.
April 15, 2024 at 12:34 am
Do you still have a pair of graves ski for sale
April 14, 2012 at 9:02 pm
I have Hexcel Touring—no problems.
I also have a pair of honeycomb skis which to my understanding were tested for the US cross-country team in 1971-72. Hexcel denied they ever made them when I asked.
BUT they are red and have a Hexcel symbol on the tip, and they have serial number
and length[I believe 210s as they are stored and not with me. AND they were given to me by one of the Hexcel inventors. 3 1/2 lbs w/rattraps & great racers.
October 1, 2012 at 11:44 pm
I use to work at Graves in the early 70’s
October 23, 2012 at 3:56 am
I have a “NEW” never mounted pair of 1980 Hexcel Comps. Would like to sell or trade. What do you think value would be ? 210 length
January 26, 2013 at 1:58 am
I will pay good money for your skis–pls
call 6056424837
March 26, 2015 at 2:54 am
Paul – check these out.
November 13, 2012 at 9:08 pm
I ski raced as a kid, pretty intensely from 1965-1970. Between 1963 and 1968 my Dad was involved twith the ownership and/or design of the Graves skiis. In those days, serios ski were coming out of Eurpoe (France in particular with Rossignol and Dynamic). The Graves ski was almost “unskiable”. It was ridiculously heavy and not responsive. In those days, you went through two pairs of racing skis in a season so durability was not a benefit. You may also be interested to know that my Dad partnered with a a famous Czeck freedom fighter, Joe Hurka, on the ski. Joe was a great skier and skied with his infant son (now a professor at Tufts and author) in a papoose on his back when he visited us at Pleasant Mountain. Shawneee Peak. Incredible history to live through. (PS: I had a pair of Hexcels too.They were a good light weight slalom ski in the day….)
December 2, 2012 at 8:23 pm
My buddies and I were in high school in 1974 when we went one night down to the ski shop here in Minneapolis with our hard-earned money and bought brand-new Hexcels. I selected 195cm Comps. One buddy bought Sundances (not great for icy Minnesota skiing, but phenomenal in the mountains). My brother and another friend got Hexcelites. Man, were we cool, riding on the toughest skis on the slopes! I race a bit on my Comps, but mostly just enjoyed the hell out of them. And I’ve still got them, 40 years later. I ski on them every chance I get. Most people don’t have a clue what they are, but every now and then some other skier absolutely flips out over them. One day, a young kid running a trial for some new ski offered to let me try out the latest and greatest: They were no where near as fun, fast, or exciting as my four-decades-old Comps. I told him he should try MY skis, but he seemed very dubious. I recently found a pair of 190cm Sundances and am in the process of remounting the bindings (not an easy task!). And I’m always on the lookout for more Hexcels…
January 7, 2013 at 8:06 pm
I owned a pair of Graves back in the 70’s wshen I was on the Mt. Sunapee ski patrol. They were certainly heavy but they tracked well. I liked them, in fact I’m tempted to take them out of the barn, remove the straps, install brakes and try them on today’s mountain. Certainly a conversation starter.
January 20, 2013 at 4:53 am
@Mike, I’m sure you might be talking about Hoigaard’s in Minneapolis. That’s where I got my gear when I was an ankle biter.
February 7, 2017 at 5:34 pm
Found this old thread. It coukd have been the Alpine Ski Shop on Hiwatha Ave. my father in law owned it.
February 4, 2022 at 12:23 pm
Don’t forget about Le Ski Hut in Wayzata. Worked there a few years in the late 70’s. I had a couple pairs of Hexcels and the wax injected Hansons with those aluminum extensions – think they were called Hanson Teams? Fun times
January 27, 2013 at 3:25 am
I remember a pair of handmade Hexcel skiis built in the basement of the University of Nevadq, Reno, and use at Mammouth Mountain, early 1970’s?? Bob McKee and Hib Zemke?
January 29, 2017 at 3:51 am
I went to UNR around that time and remember several of the professors there always working on Hexels. We used to go talk to them and ask questions.
January 29, 2013 at 5:36 am
January 14, 2018 at 1:17 pm
Hi I am wondering if you still have the Rossignol Strato 102 skis for sale
thanks for your comments
March 17, 2021 at 3:34 am
If you still have any Graves skis for sale, how much are you asking for them?
February 23, 2013 at 10:05 pm
I bought a pair of Graves in the mid 70’s while on Ski Patrol in Central NY. They were touted as an “Eastern Ski” with very strong edges for the ice and hard pack. I signed up for a trip to Salt Lake City to ski Snowbird, Park City, Park City West and Alta. Everyone around me told me not to take the Graves as they would be too this and too that. Well, having little money to spare, I did take them and they were great in the powder with the very wide shovel. But what was a real surprise, was that Snow Bird Rentals only carried Graves skis – hundreds of them because of their durability and performance in the powder. I left with a higher respect for them and had a bunch of buddies on the trip singing a new song about Graves. Sorry to see them go out of business!
June 2, 2013 at 5:01 am
I to had a pair of hexcel comps 210cm back in time and carved up the mountains around Banff, great skis wish I kept them to have as a conversation piece.
June 11, 2013 at 9:19 pm
John Breen I each owned Graves skis while on Dutch Hill Ski Patrol in Vermont in the early 70’s. I cracked them and they were replaced. I recall that they also had a somewhat of a self-healing topskin. Heavy as all get out but on young legs I could make them sing down the Windmill and Christiana, likely still among the steepest trails in Vermont. ON big snowstorm nights (before illuminated night skiing), I skied in the headlights of the groomer that my dad piloted. I may still have an I DIG GRAVES sticker or two in a box somewhere – the stickers were generic looking – as if they were stamped rather tha printed !
September 12, 2013 at 3:31 pm
Does anyone recall a brand of wood ski’s in the late 70’s called A&T (if memory serves me right that was the name). I had them as a little kid but always wanted the Rossi. Smash J’s !
September 17, 2013 at 4:25 am
I have a pair of Hexcel Silver 180s with Geze70 bindings that need a good home. They are in excellent shape – bought them in 1989, loved skiing them for 5 years, have been in their bag in a back bedroom since 1994. Any idea what they might be worth? You can contact me at 602-909-5156 or
February 6, 2014 at 3:28 pm
Hey I have a pair of these Red Graves Skis with the words SKI PATROL on them they say they are graves competion and lifetime molded Glass. Just looking on some more information on them.
February 13, 2014 at 12:29 am
I had a pair of the original Comps in 195 length for a few seasons in the late ’70’s. Mounted Tyrolia 350 bindings on them myself. Even with those heavy bindings, they were light and quick, and had a good grip on hardpack and ice. In powder though, they were narrow-waisted and stiff, and sunk to the bottom and stayed there with my limited powder technique. And with the light weight, they did not feel so stable at higher speeds. I made one trip with them to Aspen over Christmas, 1977 or 1978. On Christmas day I stopped at Gretel’s restaurant for lunch, and noticed a pay phone on the wall of the dining room. While at the phone calling my parents to wish them Merry Christmas, I noticed a luscious redhead at a table looking at me more than once. I’m pretty sure it was Jill St. John, the actress. She was a few years older than me, and I didn’t know she was single at the time. I watched her leave and get into a pair of Hexcels like mine, only shorter. Hexcels seemed to be the in ski with her group at the time. If I only knew then what I know now.
February 27, 2014 at 3:54 am
I owned a pair of Sundance 2 Hexcel that I bought in Colorado in 1974. I loved those skis. I would love to own another pair of Hexcel Sundance 190cm or 195cm. Does anybody have a pair that they would be willing to sell? It would sure make an old man happy… to be flying down the mountain on a pair of Hexcels again…! Can anybody help? contact:
March 2, 2014 at 11:52 am
I am still skiing on my 35 year old hexcel skis. I refuse to give them up. I sure do get a lot of looks on the mountain. My response, would you like to try them? So far no takers. They seem to be afraid of them.
June 16, 2014 at 8:54 pm
I have a pair of lightly used Hexcel Motivators. Doe anyone know what years they were made. I am too old now to use them in case someone wants to buy them.
July 5, 2014 at 1:31 am
I enjoyed my green comps. they were fast and light,then I switched to the
gray-silver split tails,and did I ever get a responce of “do they work”.
I also own a pair of GOLD GRAFITE 203 gs I ski Killington in vermont.
July 6, 2014 at 10:23 pm
I have a pair of Hexcel skis model # 532HS USA – how much are they worth? Thanks.
December 4, 2014 at 10:18 pm
Have a story for you guys (and some skis for somebody):
In about 1985, I was building a plant in Arizona for Hexcel / B-2 Program. Hub Zemke still had a press and was building a few skis still for Hexcel’s chosen customers. This was play employment for Hub and very low volume.
I needed his press and took it from him at an agreed time. During the transition, he built 2 sets of 185 Sundance skis for me. They are still new. They are in my sump pump room in Wichita, KS. I just put an ad on Armslist (Other, misc items) to sell these as part of my downstairs clean-up. I did just forward this information to someone on this site also who left an email.
December 4, 2014 at 10:22 pm or if anybody is interested in these. I did just email Moe Zuk above with some pictures to see if there was some interest.
December 5, 2014 at 6:30 am
I raced on a borrowed pair of Hexcel xc racing skis at the 1974 Jr. Nationals at Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Another racer, Mark Wagner, also raced on Hexcels. We were the only two skiers racing on non-wood skis that year.
December 16, 2014 at 9:35 pm
Not sure of the exact dates but my father was involved with running the Graves ski company in Newburyport. I have one pair of skis left but wish I had saved more. I would really love to have a pair of the 20/20 model which my father helped brand – if anyone has a pair please let me know.
They were way ahead of their time in one area (at least in the planning stage) which was having custom artwork on the ski. I remember some samples with some pretty wild artwork over a white background. Never went to market but reminiscent of some of the graphics today…
I remember the I DIG GRAVES stickers and one of their ads featured a tractor or maybe a small bulldozer running over a ski and it returned back to original shape.
I also believe they were one of the first companies to move into Newburyport as part of its revitalization.
January 25, 2021 at 2:00 am
My Dad was also involved in Graves. I’ll have to dig around a bit, I might have some if you’re still interested?
September 25, 2022 at 6:16 pm
I had a pair of Ski Patrol Graves in the late 70’s. I skied them a lot. A friend had to have them. He traded me for a pair of Kastles and a pair of Kniessel white stars. He got the better deal I have always regretted the trade. If you have a pair still I would be interested in buying them.
January 2, 2015 at 10:00 pm
I have a pair of rare Hexcel Blue Ice Skis. Anyone interested in buying them?
November 19, 2015 at 5:53 am
Yes, on the Blue ice for sale, what size? How much?
Contact me at or 818.636.1408
January 24, 2015 at 6:26 am
One of my most prized possessions is a pair of Hexcel “International” skis (191cm) that originally had Look bindings that got swapped out in the mid 1980’s for Solomons. The last time I ski’d them was 2003 and man did I get some looks. A ski patrol even stopped me just to check out my sticks. He was in his early 20’s and couldn’t believe I wasn’t on the shaped ski bandwagon and said he’d never even heard of Hexcel. At the time I got them (1980ish), they had paper “Team USA (Olympics)” stickers just behind the bindings. I have never seen another pair of “Internationals” and can’t even find a picture of them on the net but surely I’m don’t have the only pair ever made? Has anyone else ever seen them? P.S. I’ve since made the switch to shaped skis and doubt I could even ride the old Hexcels…but would never part with them.
February 25, 2015 at 12:38 am
Nostalgia overload! Classic contrast! I owned a pair of 200-205 cm. black-colored Graves in 1975-76 and they were indeed indestructible. And that was by far their distinguishing characteristic. They were leaden. What a different direction with Hexcel at that same time! Impossibly light – you could feel underfoot how fragile they were. And so they were exhilarating and almost air-like to move around on. Similarly, around that same time, I had a pair of orange colored 205 cm. Head racing skis that were a honeycomb composition. Head XRTs or something like that. Best ski I EVER owned. Does anyone out there remember those? Kind of dreamsicle orange with yellow letters and logo? Super cool skis.
April 3, 2015 at 3:43 am
My dad bought a pair of Graves GR Model (200 length?) for me in 1971. Last time I skied on them was 1992. They are in my basement. Still in perfect shape, original camber, etc. They are really heavy, like slate, but they held an edge on ice and were incredibly stable for a teenager who liked to ski fast and didn’t care much about quick little slalom turns. Didn’t ski for 10 years after I started a family. Then, took them to Okemo to learn. I rented pair of shaped Salomon “X-Scream” skis for myself. They were so easy to turn, I joked that the 10 year layoff made me a better skier! It was near the end of the season, so I got the rental people to sell them to me (with bindings) for $50. I’m still skiing on them! I am tempted to get bindings put on the Graves, though, and just see what I can/can’t do…
April 12, 2015 at 5:52 am
Wow, kind of shocked there’s actually an active discussion board on Hexcels. I owned a used gear shop in Montana for most of the nineties when Hexcels we still being regularly reborn as tele skis. Their weight made them an obvious choice for a tele ski as the boots were still mainly leather and the heavier (normal) DH skis tended to rip the pin holes out. Must have mounted at least 100 pair with tele bindings, and it was definitely a bit of a pain in the kazoo, but well worth it. Fantastic float in the powder (sundance) and plenty stiff (comp) for tele racing, yet light enough to skate on. Didn’t realize people actually wanted these again. I’ve got dozens of pairs. Sundances, comps, splitails, Hansens….
If you’re serious drop me and email and we’ll talk.
May 4, 2015 at 5:11 am
Is this site still active ?
November 8, 2015 at 6:30 am
December 7, 2015 at 3:31 am
I loved my Comps in 195cm I got in 1976. I also used work as a ski tech @ Oshmans in the late 70’s, and had to build the curing rack for these skis. The factory kit included the epoxy and the instructions in the article was spot on. Loved those skis and how light, and quick edge to edge they were.
February 3, 2016 at 2:24 am
I can’t believe there is an active discussion about Hexcel Skis! I got a pair of navy Hexcel comps as my first ski around 75 or 76. Way fast, light, quick to edge and very predictable. Tore them up getting started in racing. Later got a pair of split tails and they were faster, quicker and lighter. Almost scary fast. I liked the way they would carve on hard pack courses and smooth out the chop. Nothing like it at the time. My 200 cm spit tails never had much camber but cruised smooth and fast. Still have them in excellent shape with Tyrolia 490’s on them. Only used them for racing. Also got a pair of Hexcel/Hansen Graphite’s 195cm that I had my old Tyrolia 360’s mounted on. Hind sight not being 20-20, should have bought new bindings (I was a kid?). The Hanson Graphite’s were the first skis I could make it to the bottom of Pallavacini at A Basin on in one stand. Best all around ski I ever rode. Still have good camber. The thing that got me hooked is the fact that the Hexcel company got a start making parts for the lunar lander and rover on the NASA moon shots. Guess I was an early geek? Real space age skis man. Nice to know the company went on to continue to make aerospace composites. My beautiful wife wants me to toss them. I think I might hang on to them a little longer for a man cave. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.
March 11, 2016 at 6:30 pm
have Hexcel Primer Cord 190 with Tyrolia 490 bindings. Very little use (3-5 times). Purchased in early 80’s. Interested in selling.
August 29, 2018 at 7:57 pm
Interested in the Primer Cords. Still have them?
July 24, 2016 at 11:09 pm
We are compiling a library of retro ski information and images. We are based in Reno and are planning on doing an article on Hexcel since they were based here. If anyone has first hand information on thecompany or worked for them please contact me. In the meantime, feel free to look at our “All things” retrospect on
February 2, 2022 at 12:13 am
I work for Hexcel 27 years Arizona retired 2014. I also have a pair of Hexcel skis split tails. Never used I’ve never been fitted fitted with bindings I have owned 25 years
August 30, 2016 at 5:39 am
Wasn’t there Hexcel Skunk Works with a v-tail in the early eighties? I skied Hexcel Sundance, Burt retractable bindings and Scott boots. That was about fifty pounds ago.
February 7, 2017 at 5:41 pm
Yes. Hexcel spilt tails or swallow tails. I just bought two pair (190 and 195s). I always wanted a pair when I raced in high school. I put a crazy pair of yellow Look bindings on them. They have very little camber, and it seems like you have to really work to turn them. They do get looks on the hill.
November 4, 2016 at 9:49 pm
looking for a pair of Navy/Green Hexcell skis for a friend. Any size will do…he is working on a ski equipment room in his basement and wants them for decorative purposes…
January 5, 2017 at 10:33 pm
I have some Hexcels if you’re still searching for them.
January 31, 2019 at 2:55 pm
mike, im kevin in west virginia used to ski hexcel hexcelerators looking for a pair or something similar.
February 13, 2024 at 6:36 pm
Hi Mike do you still have the Hexcel’s? Please contact me, Thank you! What model and length? Thank you.
April 9, 2017 at 12:51 am
I bought 100 shares of common stock of the Graves Corporation on Jul 22, 1971. Can’t remember what I paid for them, but I did get a free pair of skis! Used them when a season pass holder at Mad River Glen. Wow, great on ice and came back with a terrific bounce! Really liked them, sold with other eqt. 20 years later.
Now I’m willing to part with my stock certificate. Anybody keen on framing a piece of sports/financial history can have it for $20, and, by the way, it’s certificate number 3. Only 2 certificates ahead of mine!
First to reply owns it.
January 25, 2021 at 1:57 am
Still available?
July 5, 2021 at 5:31 pm
Do you still have them
March 4, 2018 at 1:21 pm
I’ve really enjoyed this particular trip down Hexcel memory lane, but wish to pass along the sad news that Hubert “Hub” Zemke recently passed away at his home near Reno.
April 26, 2018 at 9:48 pm
I had a pair of Graves. They made a special pair for NSPS. Thye were blue with NSPS lettering on the tails, Stiff and stable. I loved them!
July 28, 2018 at 8:39 pm
Yes I had a pair with nsps on them what ever happened to the ski company
November 6, 2018 at 6:39 pm
anyone ever heard of Century 3.5 honeycomb skis?
February 14, 2019 at 3:17 am
i have a pair or 2
November 7, 2018 at 10:34 am
more content please
December 12, 2018 at 3:05 am
Before a back injury ended my skiing career, I skied on 195 Hexcel Exterminators. I bought them in 1973 or 74-ish? and recall paying dearly for them, for a teenager that is. I loved those skis. They were fast turners but smooth, not skittish at all. You kind of floated through the bumps. Even in powder they worked, although my K2 III’s turned better in the deep. However, in moguls, the Hexcels were outrageously fun. I never outskied them. They were right there with me all the time.
I’m glad I came across this thread. I still get excited about skiing this time of year and I wanted to know if my favorite skis still had a presence.
March 13, 2019 at 2:56 pm
great post!
January 30, 2020 at 2:47 pm
Hexcel Ultra SR 200 cm w/ Salomon 747s purchased new around 1977. Used them last week for the first time in 25 years… WOW! what a trip. Been riding snowboards for 33 years now. At 63 years old these longboards were faster than I remember. Had many comments while on the slop as well.
February 23, 2020 at 12:39 am
Bought a pair of Hexcel’s while in High School. Loved the graphics and high-tech lightness; so quick edge to edge. Blew out a toe binding on a jump the first night using them. Decided to continue on one ski ala’ Bode the rest of the night including up the rope-tows. Friends thought that was so cool they began ditching one of their skis. The shop gave me a new free pair. Crashed with those and they bent. Wrote to Hexcel and they mailed me a free third pair. They broke and I bought a used pair of Rosi’ 102, 210’s for ten bucks from a friend that worked at a local shop.
February 27, 2020 at 4:32 am
I got my 190cm Hexcelerator skis with Look Nevada bindings out of storage and wanted to use them again. I had to buy new boots and bindings and you know the story. At any rate skied with them this season but am looking to try the newer wider shorter skis. Every time on the slopes, I get comments about them. I am certainly open to offers
July 24, 2021 at 9:42 am
Do you remember what year you purchased them? I have a pair of 190cm Hexcelerators as well.
March 3, 2020 at 1:47 am
Had a pair of 190 cm Sundance, landed a core shot on a rock spring 1976 and got a replacement pair factory refurbished for half the price of a new pair, still have them & have never mounted bindings on them. The sidewalls, apparently having been replaced by the factory have disintegrated, leaving the honeycomb exposed. I remember trying to ski them (the original pair) in moguls and due to the softness, the flex was huge, the time delay on the rebound seemed interminable. The look bindings were also problematic in that the heel connector rods kept popping out of the baseplates. They might have been a nice 2nd pair for gentle use in powder but made a poor choice for an Eastern ski. When I landed on the rock it felt strange like the ski became glued momentarily to the rock. The indentation into the ski was huge.
March 21, 2020 at 9:12 am
I raced Farwest 1969-1974 . from 1970 on I raced on prototype Hexcel comps. My Father was at the time director of Quality Control for Hexcel Corp. , a downhiller from Pacific Northwest, 1935 onward, Mt. Rainier Sliver skis Race was held form camp Muir to Paradise Lodge, 4.600 ft. drop. They shortened it for 1936 Olympic Trials held there to 4,000 feet. He won his class one year. you had to hike to start, no lifts! I broke a pair of prototypes at Squaw Valley during a race (Pepsi Prix) A to D race, 175 racers plus. My teammate who ran before me loan me her Rossignol’s Strato 102’s, same length 200’s same binding Marker rotormat w/ longthongs, We had the same Boots Lange Comps. The ski performed exactly like the Hexcel competition, a little damper and heaver. My Father told me in later years, the Hexcel competition is design wise a Rossignol Strato 102 , which is industry to industry norm. You pay for it. But the industrial engineering of the ski is what makes it different. Hub Zemke the designer of the ski and my father were both Industrial/structural Engineers for Hexcel. good old days!
March 28, 2020 at 10:19 am
My cousin had a pair of Graves. He called them tanks. They were pretty fast though, a heavy ski that was very strong. They had a lifetime warranty on them too. Hart was the only other ski with a lifetime warranty on them at the time. Early to mid seventies.
April 6, 2020 at 5:01 pm
I skied on Hexcel’s for about three years and never had a pair of skis last through the season. They broke or had core compressions and I went through about four pair a year. They had excellent warranty as they kept replacing the skis.
The last pair owned, I wish I kept as they were the Hexcel Ice skis and they had double edges on each ski.
Loved them when they worked!
December 5, 2020 at 2:34 am
Wow I absolutely loved my 190 Hexcel with Salomon bindings & rear entry boots. My father worked on the XB-70 by North America which was almost all honeycomb. Just tossed the boots over summer they were almost New. I worked for lots of years at the Ski Barn so I had anything I wanted. Remember going to Las Vegas to buy Ski gear for the Next Year. Still have my 1988 SIA Buyer Pass. We has ski passes for Holiday Hill & Mammoth Mountain to ski anytime. Great memories and even greater fun we had with Everything we did. Saw someone say Rosi I had pair of 210. Still have a gold medal I Received for a race I won at Holiday Hill Wrightwood,ca. Thanks for the MEMORIES now I’ll get pictures out. Like week at US Ski Lodge!
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March 15, 2021 at 12:34 am
I worked for Graves Ski Company in Newburyport when I was in my teens. From what I can recall, the owner had a lot of passion for his product and a commitment to make the most innovative ski on the slopes. Unfortunately it (the ski) never gained any traction, no pun intended.
March 17, 2021 at 3:44 am
I was on Ski Patrol in NH from ’68 thru ’75 and skied on the Graves skis with the “ski patrol” logo.
Have 2 or 3 pairs with my collection, just couldn’t part with them each time I “cleaned” out my old skis.
GREAT ski on blue NE ice, very dependable edges (if you kept them sharp) and the stiffness of the ski allowed safely handling a sled, with an injured skier, was a great ski for its time, especially for patrol work.
September 19, 2021 at 2:48 pm
Hello Larry,
Do you remember making any skis for the Army at Ft. Devens? 10th Special Forces Group was headquartered there until 93 or so. In the 70’s they had Graves skis with 10th SFGA on the top sheet. Have for more info or even a pair of the for a long time. Any info you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Please feel free to email me at
Thank you,
Richard J Patrick
US Army (ret)
May 18, 2021 at 12:53 am
I have a pair of Hexcel 532 – HS if anyone is interested.
October 22, 2021 at 7:58 pm
Best view i have ever seen !
October 31, 2021 at 6:21 am
I skied a pair of my buddies Hexcel Comps and had to get a pair. Got myself some 200s w/ Solomon 555s. Loved them, high energy, light, turned like magic from bumps and shoots to groomers. Years later I traded them to that same buddy for a pair of 203 Dynastar Omeglass II Equipe’s , Marker M 40 Racing bindings and a pair of orange Lange XLR boots . More recently acquired a pair of 195 Hexcel Primer Cords which I am finally mounting up with my trusty old 555E bindings. Can’t wait to try them out on a steep cruiser
February 15, 2022 at 6:08 am
I worked at Hexcel Sports making skiis a couple years right there in the Reno factory…
September 21, 2022 at 10:39 pm
I skied for Masconomet High School in 1976 & 1977, and Joe Hurka — the founder of Graves skis — was our coach, largely because his son Joe — also a student at Masco — was a superb slalom skier and needed coaching at the pre-Olympic level he was skiing at. The unconfirmed rumor was that Joe Sr. was an Olympic medalist for three different countries, and had coached Jean Claude Killy and Spider Sabich. In addition to Graves skis, he also founded Humanic boots, and helped launch K2, and helped the Hanson brothers with their boot design. All this backstory sounds far-fetched, until you see the display on Joe Sr. at Cannon mountain’s skiing museum. He was quite a guy. He told me one time that his coach — in an effort to teach Joe and his teammates to ski with their knees together — asked his skiers to bring a $100 bill to practice and put it between their legs and ski to the bottom without stopping. I’ve always loved that story, and when I think of it I can hear Joe’s thick Czech accent.
November 7, 2022 at 12:32 pm
I am still skiing on a set of 203cm Hexcel split tail super G skis that bough brand new and undrilled off a board room wall in 1999. Need to look to replace them now as the are getting weak but I cannot find any new undrilled vintage ski’s.
After 50 years of skiing on narrow waist light skis I cannot get on with the modern floorboards; is there a source of old fashioned skis anywhere?
February 2, 2023 at 4:17 pm
During the late 70’s I skied on Hexcel Spectralites. I still think they were the best skis I’ve been on. Turned on a time and great in the bumps. Maybe it had something to do with me being 18. They did break down over the years and had to move on.
March 3, 2023 at 3:50 pm
I’ve enjoyed reading everyone’s comments about the Graves Ski. If you’re curious how it all started in a boat shed in Marblehead, MA alongside America’s Cup yachts, I’ve shared that story here:
December 18, 2023 at 11:07 pm
During the late 1960’s thru the seventies I skied every winter day in Vermont. In the very early ‘70s I was getting my Kneisls monogrammed with my name at the Mount Snow Ski shop and I noticed a few peculiar skis leaning on the wall. The peculiarlarity was that they had a raised double boot binding mounted on a single ski. They were the prototypes of Graves mono ski.
I couldn’t wait to get my hands on one….the manager of the shop knew me and gave me one to use, and somehow it became mine!
I skied like I was possessed (once I stopped falling !!) on this mono ski and was followed down the slopes and hooted to from the chairlifts. Even the ski instructors asked for lessons. It was the smoothest and most enjoyable skiing experience ever. I skied on it for a couple years and it was magical.
And, I STILL HAVE THE SKI ! As well as the Rosemont boots I had fitted for the raised binding……..Will I ever ski on it again?? I can only hope to feel that glorious smooth run once more….
March 9, 2024 at 4:01 am
I am not really great with English but I line up this very easygoing to translate.
June 25, 2024 at 6:59 pm
there is still a fence made ith graves skis in newburyport
June 9, 2024 at 4:51 pm
very interesting details you have observed, regards for putting up.
August 2, 2024 at 9:14 pm
Audio began playing anytime I opened this internet site, so annoying!