Can a ski boot with a novel new design influence other ski boot manufacturers even if that novel boot never made it to market?
Based on the story of the Kastinger Porsche, apparently the answer is “yes!”
Daniel Post was a mechanical engineer and a skier. In the late 1960s while he was teaching at RPI in Troy, New York, he’d take his entire family skiing at Jiminy Peak. All of the Post kids became accomplished skiers. In fact his twin daughters, Ellen and Marion, will be inducted into the United States Ski and Snowboard Hall of Fame this Saturday right here in Stowe!
In those late 1960s, plastic boots were taking over the market. But Daniel Post still wasn’t that happy with his ski boots, particularly the beating his shins took from the stiffer plastic boots. Being a mechanical engineer he believed extending the front of the boot higher could provide better leverage and spread the pressure over a greater area. He experimented with his own boots by extending a cuff almost up to the knee. Post was very pleased with the results on his skiing.
Post patented his idea for a “lever-type ski boot” in 1973 and started marketing the idea to ski boot companies. Lange took a one year option on the patent, but never came up with a viable design. Daniel Post further refined his idea and this time drew the interest of Herman Kastinger, head of Kastinger ski boots.
Kastinger enlisted Ferry Porsche’s design group to design the boot. Yes, that’s the same Porsche as the car! They came up with a rear entry boot that had a separate cuff which wrapped around the calf. Forward flex was controlled by a hydraulic cylinder – that’s what you get when you let a car company design a ski boot!
Financial problems at Kastinger slowed the production of the Kastinger Porsche ski boots. During that time several competing boot companies started developing their own “knee-high” boots. The build-up for the 1980-81 ski season saw four entries in the “knee-high” category: the Kastinger Porsche, the Nordica Polaris, the Tecnica Squadra, and the Dolomite Secret Weapon. The Nordica, Tecnica, and Dolomite were really just traditional front buckling boots with an extended high cuff. The ski magazines hyped the new boot designs and even Sports Illustrated featured an article on Daniel Post and the knee-high boot revolution he inspired.
The only problem was the Kastinger Porsche never made it to the ski shops! The Kastinger financial problems were too large, the factory closed, and the Porsches never shipped.
The Dolomites and Nordicas sold very well that season and inspired other brands to produce models with higher cuffs in 1981 and 1982.
So the Kastinger Porsche boot based on Daniel Post’s concept inspired a trend toward knee-high ski boots in the early 1980s. No one had the correct answer to last week’s trivia question. It was kind of an unfair question since the Kastinger Porsche never made it onto the slopes, but I know there are many RetroSkiers who remember the knee-high boots that resulted from the Porsche’s design.
The knee-high trend was short-lived. They disappeared by the 1983-84 season although all ski boots incorporated a higher profile than they had previously. There were still skiers including Daniel Post who swore by the comfort and control offered by the knee-highs.
So why did ski boot manufacturers abandon knee-highs? There are a lot of theories. One contributing factor definitely was that in 1980, the same year the knee-highs were introduced, Salomon introduced the rear entry SX90. Its popularity meant that other boot makers would have to consider rear entry models. Both the knee-highs and the rear entry boots targeted the same market – skiers who put a priority on comfort. Rear entry or knee-highs never caught on with racers or would-be racers. So rear entry boots won that battle.
As we know, rear entry boots eventually lost the war to more conventional front entry boots, but there is still an army of rear entry boot fans out there who won’t give up the fight! Since writing my column on rear entry boots back in December 2015, I have received more comments on that article than any other I have written. For example, on March 18th I received a comment from William who has been skiing for 54 years, the last 25 on a pair of used Salomon rear entrys. He says:
“This past year the rear plastic sole on my boot disintegrated. Rather than replace with new boots, to my wife’s horror, I made a new sole out of Maple in my wood shop. Works great. Making one for the other side now!”
July 13, 2017 at 5:45 am
I Too cannot believe that with that many companies and that many designers , that there is not at least one manufacturer with the sense enough to re introduce the nordica knee high’s . I used to race , bump ski , aerials and these boots were so supportive and comfortable on the shins , that recovery from very out of shape positions was a breeze
as the leverage point was so much higher . My 3rd and last pair fell to pieces in japan 2
seasons ago . I was distraught . I have tried about 7 ski shops , every boot they have and they are all crap , most industries move forward , the ski boot industry has done nothing
innovated for years . Maybe Elon could give it a go and shake the industry up a bit !!!
June 21, 2019 at 6:14 am
I know EXACTLY how you feel! I was a bump master, cliff dropper and all mountain shredder, but couldnt let it rip without getting shin splints! VERY frustrating and VERY painful! Im quite tall and have abnormally long shins, so my problems were compounded with garbage conventional boots. Thats when I discovered the Dolomite Secret Weapon! My dream come true! I could LITERALLY wear those boots ALL THE TIME they were that comfortable! And no more shin splints ever again! I could then drop 60″ and bounce back up without a worry!! And in the bumps, NOTHING could touch me! I babied those boots until a couple years ago, after 35 years of service, they gave up the goat, and at 50, Im very apprehensive of getting shinsplints from all these INFERIOR BOOTS. The pain is indescribable, its as bad or worse than broken tibias, fibulas, (Ive broken ALL of them +1 femur), so I would LOVE to find another set or some polaris’ even! Keep ripping it dude!
December 27, 2023 at 4:40 am
I feel the same. I had Dolomite secret weapons in the 80’s. I did ballet and acobatic skiing, I couldn’t handle the shin pain from lower height boots. When they finally disintegrated after almost twenty years, I was back to low boots and shin pain.
March 5, 2024 at 12:01 pm
I had a pair of secret weapons.
Great feel and the were a conversation piece when riding the lift.
September 27, 2024 at 12:22 am
Well said Alan. I too had polaris and loved them. Then one day one shattered. I’ve tried really expensive boots, foam injection type at about $1500 a pair. But nowhere as good as the polaris. Also spot on with boot innovation. It’s rubbish.
January 8, 2018 at 7:13 pm
Dan Post was my biomechanics teacher at VPI in the early 80s and we heard about these boots. I later skied with my husband and ruptured my ACL. I always wondered why Professor Post’s boots were not available and if they would have protected my ACL. Thanks for the info. Maybe Elon could contact the professor?
January 18, 2018 at 1:53 pm
I bought my pair of Nordica Polaris 1981 – it was the last pair in my size in the most well known store in Munich, Germany. For many years I enjoyed having these “perfect controllers” for my skies! As I remember 1984, some freaks opened a shop at Paris (France) for used Polaris, because all the cool guyes at Chamonix knew: There’s only one choice out there if you’r out to race bumpy slopes or jump tricks (a rotor or a back scratcher was most fashionable those days). With Polaris between your feet and your skies, you learned a new style to race: Left/right movements of your knees directly and most precisely led to a reaction of the ski. Previously I always tried to press the outer or the inner edge of the sole down to the slope – with polaris at your feet it became just a question of the movement of your knees.
As I remember, many ski magazines tried to make down the High Knees in the early 80ies by assuming, that they would move shinbone fractures up towards a more dangerous region close to the knees. But that’s not true: The upper part of the boots was stiff only to those regions like any other shoe was – let’s say half the complete hight. The upper more part became softer and softer every inch towards the knee (look at the pic above and the black coated elastic fabric). No blue hematoma, even if the boots were tightened. But on the sides left and righ, the red plastic gave good contact to your lower leg for all teh left/right movements of your knees…
Unfortunately my pair of boots broke – but funny thing: In 2009 I skied at Hintertux (Austria). After a long day of hard work for my boots, the both broke in the same second at a more of less unspectacular jump. As if an atomic clock would have defined “end of season” 😉 ! After 28 and a half years both boots broke in the same second.
After that I bought the best otehr I could find, but skiing was no more what it used to be. In 2016 I stopped skiing – I don’t like that sh.. no more.
How about collecting for Nordica to persuade them for another edition? I’d give 1000 bucks…
June 21, 2019 at 6:26 am
I will chip in too, $500! Your story is cool how the boots both broke exactly at the same time! Only one of mine did when they gave up, after 35 years of awesome service, the Dolomite secret weapons can not just be replaced, all the boots out there are garbage! I have some abnormally long shins, and the pain of shin splints is really annoying! And taking days off for recovery, not on your life! Yeah, its high tops or Im quitting like you did! Just hurts too much for my old ass! Hey….. maybe we should do a joint venture? Copyrights are likely expired hmmm… Id be down!
February 27, 2019 at 11:04 pm
I had a pair of Polaris as well. I threw them in the dump in 2010, when cleaning out the house after my parents, something i deeply regret. Aswome boots.
January 21, 2020 at 3:05 pm
Wrong, in damn near every way.
They were BEYOND AWESOME. What happened in the 90’s is skiing nearly ate shit totally. a number of bad snow years and terrible economy, and those rear-entry boots, such as hansen, were flash in the pan except in the massive rental boot world or ultra-shit boots.
The economy killed the idea, as it has killed modern ski innovation. Skiing is way too expensive for millennial not on the parents dime
January 21, 2020 at 3:08 pm
I will build the injection molds from aluminum if you bullshitters actually get organized
S Mitchell 310- then the are code again, then 9236, text message only until you have an assigned ring tone
July 10, 2020 at 5:14 pm
I cannot believe that I found this forum!
I have struggled with ski boots my whole life; 40 years of skiing..(join the crowd, I know), and never knew about this tech. Having returned to skiing in the last 5 years have demo’ed and or purchased 5 pairs of boots with satisfaction and had being formulating in my mind what would be necessary to make a better boot; not knowing most of the these ideas had actually been incorporated in a production boot at the start of my skiing days (80’s). Wow!! The knee high, the piston\shock absorber!
Seems like carbon fiber infused Grimilid or something like that may make it lighter. Tecnica uses that in the cuff of their Tour Pro boots.
@ steve. Do you really have this capability – aluminum injection mold making?
What about an add on to an existing boot?
July 10, 2020 at 5:49 pm
Meant to say without satisfaction. Anyone with mad design \ prototyping skills?
July 22, 2020 at 8:19 pm
I too have a shin problem with conventional ski boots. My Dolomite secret weapons cracked after 30+ years & I have been unable to find a boot that doesn’t destroy my shins. Can anyone out there help, size 10
October 6, 2020 at 12:16 am
I had a pair of Caber Knee-high foam boots in the early ‘70’s. I wore a size 11 boots, but I had a size 12 shell with a size 11 liner. Warmest boots ever! You had to put your liners in your shells and sit down while the injected foam into the foot bed.after about 5 minutes you stood up and assumed your downhill stance, weight forward, knees bent, shoulders level and forward. Additional foam was added to the heel to hold the aggressive forward cant. And you held that stance for 45 MINUTES while the foam set up. Wonderful boots, had to unbuckle to walk any where. The bonus of never having to worry about a broken ankle was negated by the extreme wear and tear on your knees, and if you were to break anything, you were guaranteed it would be one or both knees.
When I finally stopped trying to beat up mountains and turned into a cruiser, I went to a rearentry boot with an air bladder that you pumped up with as much air as you wanted to keep you back in the boot, and a forward cant that was mechanically adjustable.
I lost the ability to ski a few years ago due to torn up knees and resulting arthritis. I’d be out there tomorrow if I could, but I have memories that will help me remember I did more Colorado skiing of every sort that I ever deserved, and I loved every second.
January 29, 2021 at 8:53 am
Hall ich suche so ein Skischuh
Nodika sehr hoch geschnitten
Am Rist Retro hekeinsteiger zu kaufen
Rene Wiedmer
Russhofstrasse 23
Landquart 7302
0041 0789293230
Skibalet Untericht gebe ich
October 3, 2021 at 6:02 pm
Ich komme ,aus der Schweiz und suche so ein Ski Schuh wo bis knie
hoch sind zu kaufen da ich Skiakrobatik Skibalet Unterricht gebe im Winter 2021 und 22 weg
Tel 0041 0789293230
Meine Adresse
Untere ,Gasse 73 Felsberg Chur
Rene Widmer Schweiz Graubünden
December 8, 2022 at 4:54 pm
I had a pair of secret weapons Best boot I’d ever had. I would pay $$$ to get another pair in size 12 or 29.5
November 24, 2024 at 6:17 pm
I skiied my Polaris knee-highs for 30 years until they finally came apart. They were 300 in 1981. Sure wish I could find them again. 🙁
March 12, 2025 at 9:59 pm
I started skiing in 1958. The Nordica Polaris ski boots were THE MOST comfortable I have ever owned. No shin or ankle pain. Incredibly responsive boots on all terrain and so easy to put on and take off. They lasted 30 years for me as well. Everything since has been full of pain and friction blisters. I would put up $5000 to help fund a Polaris revival. If I had only purchased two pair in 1981 I would be still be skiing in complete comfort today. Come on Nordica I dare you to reintroduce the knee highs.