What modification to Stowe’s Nosedive was made to facilitate the International races in 1952?
What modification to Stowe’s Nosedive was made to facilitate the International races in 1952?
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January 29, 2022 at 11:59 pm
Not sure, but I know that there was a start house up at the base of the nose for a big race. The trail is called the nose dive because it DOVE off the nose. You can see the remnants of the trail and people still climb up. I have a feeling that the start was created there before lifts, so 1952 might be a little late. Charlie Lord was given the task of taking it down years later so there is nothing left. Another answer might be that the 7 turns were taken out – now there are 3.
January 31, 2022 at 2:40 pm
I remember my parents talking about how the Nosedive was altered. From what I can remember, they said that two of the turns were eliminated. I am assuming that was the change you are asking about.