Which of Alta’s five lodges was the first to be built? And as a bonus, what was its original name?
Which of Alta’s five lodges was the first to be built? And as a bonus, what was its original name?
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March 20, 2011 at 2:30 am
Answer to this week’s question.
Snowpine. Originally named Rock Shelter 1938.
See web research below:
The Snowpine was the first lodge in Little Cottonwood Canyon. It was built in 1938 and was initially called the Rock Shelter. Its first purpose was as a warming shelter for day skiers and was not fully completed until the following summer. The Alta Lodge was constructed in late summer of 1940; the Rustler opened on Thanksgiving Day, 1947; and the Peruvian Lodge opened in 1948.
March 21, 2011 at 2:01 am
Yes, you got it!
We’ll be flying out Tuesday for a week. We’re staying at Snowbird (not the Snowpine), but will split our skiing between Alta and the Bird.