Snowbird in Utah is celebrating its 50th season this year. They have a trail named STH. What does STH stand for?
Snowbird in Utah is celebrating its 50th season this year. They have a trail named STH. What does STH stand for?
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December 2, 2021 at 7:18 pm
I think the trail is “Steeper Than Hell”. (And if memory serves me correctly, IT IS!)
December 3, 2021 at 12:29 pm
John Lutz from Canaan Valley here. Steeper than Hell. I see that you didn’t ask for MFS.
There is a long connection between Canaan Valley, WV and Stowe. I will tell you about it later and about the West Virginia ski museum that a group of us have started
Ps we met on the gondola a couple of years ago
December 4, 2021 at 2:59 am
Steeper Than Hell – (STH)
Your passion is awesome : my drug of choice too
Thank you for the fantastic content !
December 5, 2021 at 11:33 pm
STH stands for Steeper Than Hell. I have skied this a few times while visiting my son out in Snowbird a few years ago. I personally experienced the steepness as
I missed a pole plant and tumbled down head first through the trees and was lucky enough to have a ski hook a tree and stop my increase in speed as I desperately tried to turn myself around to no avail. It was a frightening descent! I have done it since that fall with much less speed and anxiety!
December 10, 2021 at 10:04 pm
STH is Steeper than Hell. It is separated from the Gad 2 Chair by the STH woods. Both are bona fide double black and nice alternatives to the trail under the Gad 2, which is rocky and needs more snow to cover it for the first 20-30 yards. STH also splits around a rocky , less well covered area about 100 yards down. The run out offers a neat gully, typically packed with bumps and double fall lines.