There goes my PG rating and yes, I probably have watched too much Entertainment Tonight! So why should we care? As some unknown marketing guru said “sex sells.” Skiing sex symbols help sell skiing! Picking the greatest is a subjective… Continue Reading →
OK, I’ll admit it. I still get excited when that first ski magazine of the season arrives in the mailbox. Even though it occurs in the late summer when most people are still planning barbecues, that arrival starts me thinking… Continue Reading →
On Friday, November 30th, I attended an annual party which culminated in the group going to the Flynn Theater for the latest Warren Miller film. It was a sell-out that night! Another example of the pent-up excitement and anticipation that… Continue Reading →
I attended my first ski show when I was in college. It was a slow, late-fall weekend when a fraternity brother said let’s go to the Boston Ski Show. I had no idea what a ski show was, but it… Continue Reading →
I’m back for another season of skiing memories, history, nostalgia and trivia. One thing’s for certain, there may not be a lot of “nostalgia” associated with last year’s ski season! Other than about a 10 day span around the first… Continue Reading →
I know it’s not ski season yet, but I had to come out of my summer hibernation to share some happenings that should be of interest to RetroSki-ers. When did the Vermont Ski Museum move to Stowe? The museum opened… Continue Reading →
She was a promising young U.S. ski racer. In 1954 at the age of 18 she won the United States Junior and Senior Slalom titles. She was a bright hope for the U.S. looking forward to the 1956 Olympics. She… Continue Reading →
Earlier this season Stowe ski instructor Josey Furrer loaned me a copy of an article from the 1935 issue of the American Ski Annual. The article was simply titled An F.I.S. Story and was written by Roland Palmedo. Roland Palmedo… Continue Reading →
Skiing started in Europe long before the United States got into the act. The early U.S. ski industry including ski areas relied heavily on transplanted Europeans. There are still more than twice as many skiers in Europe than here in… Continue Reading →
Will RFID technology mean the extinction of the “Ticket Turkey”? You know, the Ticket Turkey is that guy with every lift ticket he ever bought still attached to his parka. And when the rest of us see him we say… Continue Reading →
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