Category Columns

Heavenly Valley

My wife and I spent last week visiting friends Bob and Laurie Walker who live in Minden, Nevada. From their house it’s about a twelve mile drive to the Heavenly Valley ski area.  Of course you climb some 3000 feet… Continue Reading →

Composite Ski Poles

A RetroSki tip-of-the-hat to the “Waterbury Moms” who had an 80’s retro-skiwear day last Friday at Stowe.  There was a lot of neon and there were a lot of one-piece ski suits.  Most of the moms looked too young to… Continue Reading →

The Crooked Stick Tribe

Over President’s weekend I observed quite a few members of the Crooked Stick tribe on the slopes.  The Crooked Stick tribe is that subset of skiers whose ski poles are anything but straight.  I’m not talking about the poles used… Continue Reading →

Bob Beattie

How did a Middlebury College football player become the most important figure in promoting alpine ski racing in the United States?  That football player would go on to be the coach of the U.S. Ski Team, founder of the World… Continue Reading →

Franz Klammer

Biddle Duke’s article last week about the World Championships being held in Schladming Austria highlighted how seriously Austrians take Alpine ski racing.  When events like the World Championships are held in Austria, the Austrian skiers are under great pressure to… Continue Reading →

World Pro Tour Stowe 1978 and Fritzmeiers

The January 19, 1978 edition of the Stowe Reporter contained coverage of the first Stowe visit by the World Pro Ski Tour.  As mentioned last week there were two races a slalom and a downhill.  The downhill was originally scheduled… Continue Reading →

Claudine’s Trial

This week I received a Spider Sabich story from Reid Williams of Stowe that exemplifies the appeal Spider generated.  Reid was in Aspen in 1972 when the World Pro Tour wrapped up its season there.  He was at the ceremony… Continue Reading →

Who Shot Spider Sabich?

Vladimir Sabich Jr. was born on January 10, 1945.  Literally as soon as he was born, his father gave him the nickname that would follow the younger Sabich his whole life.  Seeing his son’s unusually long, skinny arms and legs,… Continue Reading →

Short Skis Suck!

I’ll start this week with a couple of follow-up items from last week’s column. The Stowe Winter Carnival freestyle event held in 1975 was sponsored by Midas and Colgate.  Actually the men’s tour was sponsored by Midas and the women’s… Continue Reading →

Wayne Wong and Hot Dog Skiing

The 1960’s will always be remembered for their counter-culture and rebellion against the status quo: long hair, loud music, and loud clothes!  Skiing in the 1960’s was no exception.  A whole group of young skiers began to do things on… Continue Reading →

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